Yellow Belt Training

Co-creating New Partnership Arrangements

BLI 120

Upon demonstration of the Yellow Belt skills, knowledge, and attitudes, the learner will be eligible to take the promotion exam for BL Orange Belt. 


A Yellow Belter should be able to share the following portfolio and demonstrate the following competencies:



The Yellow Belter program is designed to build on the skills and knowledge acquired in the White Belter program. Yellow Belters are encouraged to start their leading a downling BL Circle while continuing to participate in their upline BL Circle. The the Yellow Belt stage may last from 3-12 months, depending on the prior skills and the pace at which they progress.

The Yellow Belter program aims to equip participants with the skills to become effective facilitators, coaches, and partners who can lead change initiatives in their communities and organizations. Participants learn how to facilitate dialogue, coach individuals and teams, co-create new partnership arrangements, and develop their leadership skills. Leading a downline BL Circle is an excellent way of practicing these skills.

The program consists of several components, including:

The program aims to create a network of leaders who can support each other in driving positive change in their communities and organizations.

Yellow Belters who are interested to progress to BL Orange Belt (Level 3) are expected to submit their portfolio to their BL Circle Facilitators for validation and sign the Commitment to Membership letter.

Facilitation 2 > Public Narrative 2 > Co-creating the Leadership Journey of Others> Community Vision Board > Negotiations 1 > Community Co-creation Hubs > Problem Tree Analysis > Project Design 1 > Ownership 2 > Co-ownership 2> Co-creation 2 > Written Exam > Submit Portfolio