Blue Belt Training Portfolio: Co-creating Sustainable Institutions and Enterprises
At the end of this 16-session Blue Belt course on Bridging Leadership, the learner may apply for promotion to BL Red Belt.
A Blue Belter should be able to share the following portfolio and demonstrate the following competencies:
share his/her Deep Dive experience and insights through a video blog vlog
engaged in co-creation and cross-boundary work with at least two individuals or teams who have higher rank or position compared to the learner, preferably outside of the learner's organization
shares leadership journey as a blue belt through Public Narrative
explains cross-boundary leadership through the lens of Ownership, Co-ownership, and Co-creation in her BL Journey
Blue Belter Portfolio to progress to Red Belt
Multi-year institutional arrangements
Perspectives of Mayor and Municipal Staff on Youth-driven Innovation
Mayor Garcia shares how the Municipal Futures Lab creates spaces for participatory governance.
MSWDO discusses how municipal government can benefit from analysis by university students.
Sample Research Congress Proceedings
Fostering Co-ownership among Stakeholders in the Municipal Innovation Ecosystem
Senior HS Principal Discusses how the Municipal Futures Lab enhances learning experience of students.
Brigada Eskwela as a co-creation platform.
SK Federation Vice Chair discusses the intersection of research and youth engagement.
University Campus Director Prof.Julie Albano Phd discusses collaboration between State University and the municipality.
MHO Dr.Marife Aruta discusses how the municipality is the innovation lab for the citizens.
State university faculty discusses how the municipal futures lab provides innovation-oriented research opportunities compared to traditional research.
Ordinance and MOU on Innovation Partnerships with Youth and Schools

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