Level 2 - Commitment to Membership

Commitment to Membership

As a member of this community, I commit to uphold and embody the values and principles of co-creating solutions to community problems and developing my skills as a citizen leader. I believe that by working collaboratively with others, we can bring about positive change in our communities and create a more equitable and just society.

I recognize that being a citizen leader requires a commitment to continuous learning and growth. Therefore, I pledge to invest time and effort in developing my skills, knowledge, and abilities to effectively address the complex challenges facing our communities. I will actively seek out opportunities to learn from diverse perspectives and experiences, engage in constructive dialogue, and apply what I learn to make a positive impact in my community.

I also commit to fostering a culture of respect, inclusivity, and open communication within our BL Circles and broader community. I will listen actively, seek to understand others' viewpoints and engage in dialogue with empathy and compassion. I will work to build bridges between diverse groups and individuals, recognizing that our differences can be sources of strength and innovation.

Finally, I pledge to actively contribute to the Bridging Leadership Circles community, sharing my experiences, ideas, and knowledge to support and uplift others. I will work collaboratively to co-create solutions to community problems, leveraging the power of our collective wisdom and expertise. Together, we can create a better world for all.


[Your Name]